This directory includes amphibian husbandry experts in a wide range of fields related to captive programs. It is intended to benefit anyone who is involved with conservation programs for captive amphibians. These experts have generously offered their time to help with advice relating to amphibian husbandry.
Please note: If you are not directly involved with captive conservation programs for amphibians, we ask that you consider searching for any information you need on our web site, or using an internet search engine rather than contacting the people below. Due to their existing workloads, these people are unable to answer emails that are not from people involved with captive amphibian programs. Please consider using these other resources to find the help you need: Amphibian Husbandry, Chytrid Fungus, AArk Documents, Amphibians on the Web.
You can filter the list to people who have expertise in particular areas, by selecting a category from the Select Category dropdown below. You can also search by country, name, or any other key word(s).
If you are adding a new profile to this page, please be sure to select one or more Categories, as this is how people can search for your expertise.
Kevin Johnson
Assist Amphibian Ark partners in identifying priority taxa and regions for ex situ conservation work using the Conservation Needs Assessment process (
Also develop communications strategies, messages, newsletters and other materials to promote understanding and action on behalf of amphibian conservation and assist AArk partner organizations in reaching multiple audiences within AArk organizations, the conservation community, governments, and the public.
Co-Chair of the IUCN ASG Conservation Breeding Working Group.
Bellingen NSW Australia
Michael McFadden
I currently co-ordinate amphibian conservation programs at Taronga Zoo, including those for species such as the northern and southern corroboree frog and yellow-spotted bell frog. This has previously included other threatened species such as the Booroolong frog, green and golden bell frog and alpine tree frog.
I am also co-convenor of the ZAA (Zoo and Aquarium Association) Amphibian TAG.
I have assisted Amphibian Ark to instruct amphibian conservation and husbandry workshops in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.
PO Box 20 Mosman NSW 2088 Australia