Este directorio incluye wxpertos en manejo de anfibios en un amplio rango de áreas relacionadas a programas de anfibios en cautiverio. Su intención es beneficiar a cualquiera que esté involucrado con programas de conservación para anfibios en cautiverio.
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Puede filtrar la lista a personas que tienen experiencia en áreas particulares, seleccionando una categoría del menú desplegable Seleccionar categoría a continuación. También puede buscar por país, nombre o cualquier otra palabra clave.
Ron Gagliardo
Seattle WA USA
Robert L Hill
800 Cherokee Ave. SE Atlanta Georgia 30315 USA
Blake Klocke
I am currently Curator of Amphibians at the Detroit Zoological Society. My research interests are broad in the needs of amphibian conservation, and previously include Bsal testing/policy and reintroduction trials of Atelopus varius and Atelopus limosus in Panama.
8450 W 10 Mile Road Royal Oak MI 48067 USA
Stan Mays
Houston Zoo, Inc. 1513 Cambridge Houston TX 77030 USA
Dr. Jennifer Pramuk
Jennifer’s professional zoo experience includes her current position as a curator at the Woodland Park Zoo, where she oversees the endangered Oregon spotted frog and Western pond turtle head starting and release programs. She has taught amphibian husbandry courses through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Amphibian Management School and also in Madagascar and Colombia. In her former position as the curator of herpetology at the Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation society, she worked on the Kihansi spray toad reintroduction program. Jenny has described 21 species of frogs and toads new to science and published more than 25 peer-reviewed papers. Her experience with reintroduction projects has enabled her to become well versed on issues particular to the conservation and reintroduction of endangered species. She currently is an affiliate curator at the University of Washington’s Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and serves on the Board of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and as the Co-Chair of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Amphibian Taxon Advisory Group.
5500 Phinney Ave N SEATTLE WA 98117 USA
Tom J. Weaver
2300 Steele Street Denver Colorado 80205 USA