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Ms. Maria Elena Barragan-Paladines
Maria Elena Barragan had worked in close collaboration with the Gustavo Orces Herpetological Foundation (Ecuadorian NGO) since 1990. She had decisively participated in several research projects and surveys of the Ecuadorian herpetofauna, that allowed for discoveries that would have been impossible without her knowledge of the local environment and biodiversity.
As a scientist and co-worker in the Vivarium of the Gustavo Orces Herpetological Foundation, Mrs. Barragan also contributed to maintain captive herpeto-fauna under international protocols of animal welfare, demonstrating her scientific competencies on top of her field work skills.
Ms. Barragán for the past 31 years has generated a cornucopia of support mechanisms to maintain the Quito Vivarium project, a non- government, educational facility providing information on Ecuadorian frogs and reptiles. She maintains the visions and objectives of her organization which strives to promote awareness and conservation of a richly diverse herpetofauna.
Ms. Barragan has worked for 31 years as a professional biologist, scientist and educator and has obtained a scholarship to study a Masters in Environment and Education for Sustainability at Griffith University in Australia.
After 24 years of experience in the field of Herpetology, in 2014 he received recognition for his contributions in the field of research, education and conservation of Ecuadorian amphibians and reptiles, by naming a new species of Australian gecko in her honor
In 2015 she had led the first conservation project of the Andean Marsupial frog (Gastrotheca riobambae) in Quito, and on behalf of the FHGO she received the award for the fulfillment of the Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (ODS AWARD) of the Global Compact in the Terrestrial Ecosystems category, by United Nations.
The book, “Serpientes Venenosas del Ecuador” authored by María Elena Barragán, Katty Garzon and Jorge Valencia (Venomous Snakes of Ecuador) is a recipient of the «Enrique Garcés Award”. It was officially delivered on December 2016 and awarded by the Illustrious Municipality of Quito, to the best publication of the 2016 year, in the field of Biological Sciences, for its contribution at the local and regional level. This book fills a knowledge gap on the 36 species of venomous snakes known to occur in Ecuador. It is a compilation of taxonomic, ecological and biological aspects of these snakes. It also provides information about historical, anthropological, sociological and medical aspects. Written in Spanish, it is a well- illustrated (280 full and b/w color illustrations, 137 colored sheets, 30 b/w graphics, and it contains 651-pages.
In 2018, the International Herpetological Symposium Committee and Advisors, honored María Elena Barragan, with the 2018 Porras Conservation Award, for the contribution in Herpetology. This prestigious award is presented to one symposium speaker each year.
In 2020, to inspire and encourage future women leaders in snake conservation, the NGO Save The Snakes recognized María Elena to be within the Women Leaders in Snake Conservation and Research award, for her efforts to conserve venomous snakes and other species of herpetofauna. threatened in Ecuador.
In April 2021, she is invited to participate in a Book initiative called Women Herpetologists where 50 women around the world will tell their stories and In 2020, to inspire and encourage future women leaders in snake conservation, the NGO Save The Snakes recognized María Elena to be within the Women Leaders in Snake Conservation and Research Award, for her efforts to conserve venomous snakes and other species of herpetofauna. threatened in Ecuador.
Maria Elena Barragan had worked in close collaboration with the Gustavo Orces Herpetological Foundation (Ecuadorian NGO) since 1990. She had decisively participated in several research projects and surveys of the Ecuadorian herpetofauna, that allowed for discoveries that would have been impossible without her knowledge of the local environment and biodiversity.
As a scientist and co-worker in the Vivarium of the Gustavo Orces Herpetological Foundation, Mrs. Barragan also contributed to maintain captive herpeto-fauna under international protocols of animal welfare, demonstrating her scientific competencies on top of her field work skills.
Ms. Barragán for the past 31 years has generated a cornucopia of support mechanisms to maintain the Quito Vivarium project, a non- government, educational facility providing information on Ecuadorian frogs and reptiles. She maintains the visions and objectives of her organization which strives to promote awareness and conservation of a richly diverse herpetofauna.
Ms. Barragan has worked for 31 years as a professional biologist, scientist and educator and has obtained a scholarship to study a Masters in Environment and Education for Sustainability at Griffith University in Australia.
After 24 years of experience in the field of Herpetology, in 2014 he received recognition for his contributions in the field of research, education and conservation of Ecuadorian amphibians and reptiles, by naming a new species of Australian gecko in her honor
In 2015 she had led the first conservation project of the Andean marsupial frog in Quito, and on behalf of the FHGO she received the award for the fulfillment of the Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (ODS AWARD) of the Global Compact in the Terrestrial Ecosystems category, by United Nations.
The book, “Serpientes Venenosas del Ecuador” authored by María Elena Barragán, Katty Garzon and Jorge Valencia (Venomous Snakes of Ecuador) is a recipient of the «Enrique Garcés Award”. It was officially delivered on December 2016 and awarded by the Illustrious Municipality of Quito, to the best publication of the 2016 year, in the field of Biological Sciences, for its contribution at the local and regional level. This book fills a knowledge gap on the 36 species of venomous snakes known to occur in Ecuador. It is a compilation of taxonomic, ecological and biological aspects of these snakes. It also provides information about historical, anthropological, sociological and medical aspects. Written in Spanish, it is a well- illustrated (280 full and b/w color illustrations, 137 colored sheets, 30 b/w graphics, and it contains 651-pages.
In 2018, the International Herpetological Symposium Committee and Advisors, honored María Elena Barragan, with the 2018 Porras Conservation Award, for the contribution in Herpetology. This prestigious award is presented to one symposium speaker each year.
In 2020, to inspire and encourage future women leaders in snake conservation, the NGO Save The Snakes recognized María Elena to be within the Women Leaders in Snake Conservation and Research award, for her efforts to conserve venomous snakes and other species of herpetofauna. threatened in Ecuador.
In April 2021, she is invited to participate in a Book initiative called Women Herpetologists where 50 women around the world will tell their stories and In 2020, to inspire and encourage future women leaders in snake conservation, the NGO Save The Snakes recognized María Elena to be within the Women Leaders in Snake Conservation and Research Award, for her efforts to conserve venomous snakes and other species of herpetofauna. threatened in Ecuador.
In April 2021 she is accepted to join the Organization for Women in Science for developing World
In July 21 she received the 2021 Outstanding International Alumni Award winner for the Griffith Sciences Group, Australia
In April 2021 she is accepted to join the Organization for Women in Science for developing World
In July 21 she received the 2021 Outstanding International Alumni Award winner for the Griffith Sciences Group, Australia
Av. Amazonas N34-12 y Rumipamba Pasaje Carlos Tamayo E10-36 y Av. 6 de Diciembre Quito Pichincha 170506 Ecuador