The Amphibian Ark’s list of Ex Situ Conservation Programs shows the progress of conservation breeding programs for threatened amphibian taxa. Separate entries are included for each managed population of a species – each country or regionally-managed population – and these include a series of key steps in the progression of an ideal successful amphibian conservation program.
The steps included in these progress reports include critical aspects of a successful ex situ conservation program, and significant milestone events. An ideal program would have achieved each and every one of the steps and milestones listed. While some of these programs meet all of the AArk’s exemplary attributes (e.g., sufficient founders, consistent breeding success, biosecurity, working in range country), most do not. There is much work to be done improving existing programs and initiating new programs for priority species not yet rescued. The AArk strongly recommends that all steps are achieved to ensure the best possible outcomes for each program.
The progress of each program is updated regularly, and additional programs will be added to this list as information becomes available. (This list is best viewed with Internet Explorer).
If you’d like to include the progress of your amphibian program on this list, please download the amphibian ex situ conservation program data form, fill it out, and email it back to us.
See the Establishing Ex Situ Amphibian Programs page for additional information on implementing amphibian conservation programs.